A Blog Created For All Purposes

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Best Way To Create And Add "Contact Us" To Your Blog (With Images)

In the below article we will answer the below questions.
  •     How to create contact us, 
  • how to form contact us, 
  • facts about contact us, 
  • what is contact us, 
  • how to add contact us to your blog,
  •  about contact us, 

           Have you been managing a blog without adding Contact us to your blog, you've really been mistaking because visitors will not consider your blog helpful since you've made it difficult for them to contact you in time of confusion. There is no way Google AdSense will give away ads to a useless blogs like that without contact us on them. Do you know what these things work for your blog?.....It doesn't promote your blog's position on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo  etc.....yes!!! It doesn't, yet it worth a lot to your blog.
                CONTACT US
    Contact us is a page on a blog set aside by the blog manager(admin), to enhance the rate of connection between his visitors and himself. Though, new bloggers usually forsake this, yet it will unknowingly matter a lot to their blog. Contact us page would carry information through which blog visitor can contact the blog owner easily and make any urgent submission available.           The informations usually contained on the contact us page are the platforms through which one can reach the blog manager. Something like phone number, email address, office address, Facebook page, twitter handle, GooglePlus, etc......When customers wish to place adverts on your blog, it would bring them to sticky wickets if you've eluded "contact us" while designing your blog. Some bloggers place it on the header of their blog but i would advise you to keep it down the footer, for that's where it's always known to be. I have helped out a lot of bloggers when I observe errors on their blog, but how can you receive such advice if you don't have the contact us. This should be the primary thing you should offer your blog as it's admin.
    Now we arrive to my crux of this article, knowing fully well how the contact us would help your blog, now its time to show you how to place it on your blog.
   First you will need to click on pages and  open your new page section,then you will see a writing field similar to where you write your posts but has "pages" written on the top of your screen instead of "posts".
NB: That's where you write articles that you don't want to appear on your blog's front page.
   The contents that  should be in your contact us page has been expounded in two paragraphs above, but I will endeavour to repeat myself.
    You must include your mobile number and email address(s), but the case of Facebook page and Twitter handle are completely optional. Make sure the email address there is an email address you access twice or trice a day. Email for work(email with your personal domain) would be better if you can afford it, though emails with the server's domain can serve. You can see mine for verification purpose.
   Once you're done, click on publish button(publish button is located on the top right side of your screen), and the page will be published.
NB: It will not be shown yet until you've finished what you're required to do.

    Now we will show you with the help of images, how to make it show on your blog.
   Once you've published the page, the next step is to open your "Layout".

   After you must have opened the layout settings, you will need to scroll down to the bottom of your screen where you will see "footersec1" ,once there you'll click on "Add a Gadget" written in blue.

You will see a variety of options in the next page that would show up after you've clicked on the add a gadget. Scroll down to one of the options with "Pages" as its title. Then click on the + button, engulfed in blue coloration at the far end of the screen.

You will see a new window after you've click on the needful, a window "pages" as its title and "home" marked good
 Then you will  clean the title and leave it blank, the try unmarking the "home" and mark your "contact us" and any other page you wish to show up. Thus, after that, your screen will look like that below
If your screen looks like the above image, thank God because you're almost done. Now click on the yellow colored "Save" button located at the bottom of your screen and its done. Just view your blog and scroll down to the footer to see your "Contact Us" staring at you.

NB: don't forget to save it whenever you're done, please. 
You can contact us if you've got any question to ask. Our reply shall come to you as soon as possible.

Hope we answered the below questions
  • How to create contact us,
  •  how to form contact us, 
  • facts about contact us,
  •  what is contact us, 
  • how to add contact us to your blog, 
  • about contact us, 

Monday 27 June 2016

How To Shorten Your Posts And Add "Read More" To Your Blog Posts(With Images)


  •    How can i shorten my posts in the front page of my blog
  • My blog is showing all my article in its front page
  • I want to add jump-break to my posts
  • I want to add "Read More" to my posts
           Please note that this article is specially for you, if your need is related to the sentences above.
      Is your blog syndicating all your posts on its front page, and you don't like it??
      I advise, you've come to the right place, stay calm. Poly Purpose's got all you wanted and is only concerned about what will make your blogging experience, a good story. The solution to your problem is called "JumpBreak " .
    How to add JumpBreak to your blog posts will never be a problem if you endeavor to make use of our most simple step-by-step guide. Our guide will expound to you, how to solve your problem with the help of images.
     The most reliable blog platforms are Google's Blogger and the WordPress. These two platforms rule over all others, because of certain features disclosed by users.

   JumpBreak is used to shorten your posts on the frontpage of your blog,  thereby making loading faster for visitors. The total syndication of posts on the frontpage of your blog, causes bad user's experience and dulls page loading. Google have always rank down blogs with poor user experience, and slow loading.


   Blogger is arguably the most easily designed platform. It's JumpBreak is located just below the post title, but don't just click on it yet.

      Before clicking on it, you would make sure you have placed your isa/ice (|) at the spot where you wish the jumpbreak should be. Then you can click on it and the post will be shortened when you publish it. A "Read More" link will be shown in the exact spot you inserted the jumpbreak.

   The WORDPRESS is the most competitive platform to the Googles Blogger. It's jumpbreak symbol is also located at the top of its writing page.

Don't just click on it now, until you've placed your isa/ice (|) at the right place of your choice. Then tap the symbol and your jumpbreak will be applied, Thus, your post after publishing will be shortened, and "Read More" will be written where you inserted the jumpbreak.

NB: Where you will insert the jumpbreak is a spot that would lure people to read more of the article in detail, not just after a paragraph. Insert it immediately after words like because, but, due to, with, and, unfortunately etc..... Hope you know what i mean. See screenshot below

NB: isa/ice is the thing like (|) on your writings, showed in the portion of the above image circled in green.

     We hope our article above helped you alot, we strictly believe that this article answered the below questions.
  • How can i shorten my posts in the front page of my blog
  • My blog is showing all my article in the front page of my blog.
  • I want to add jump-break to my posts
  • I want to add "Read More" to my posts

How to Create Links And Also Add "Read Also" To Your Blog

      With this article, we will teach you how to create links. Whereas,with full knowledge of how to create links you CAN

  • Add "Read Also" to your blogs.
  • Use your "Labels" as "Gadgets" in your header.
  • Add "Like us on Facebook And Twitter" on your blog
  • Embed URLs under words.

         Poly Purpose has bring you the foundation of all blogs. This article was written to ensure reader's satisfaction. Please do not hesitate to contact us if any section of this article seems unintelligible to you.

      There are lot more things you can do by yourself with the knowledge of link creation we want to give you.

       Link creation is what you will never manage a blog without, else your blog/website will be incomparably local . Proper use of links will elevate and help your blog affirm a better position in search results. Let's proceed to the crux of our article which is How to create Link.

    While creating links, there are terms you must first endeavor to be friendly with. Those terms might look wacky somehow, but are arguably the root of what you want to learn.

"<a" is opening link wherever seen.

"href" is calling for the link's reference.

"</a>" is closing link wherever meet.

     Putting the above confusing symbols and words together to make up a good link it will be as follows.

<a  href="enter your URL here">enter your text here</a>

NB: the gap between  "<a"   and  "href="   is just two spaces, i.e tap the space button twice and you're done with that level.

     "Enter Your URL Here" Tag

   The you will enter in the tag "enter your URL here" is the address where you desired the link to leads to,upon clicks. E.g if you insert "http://www.polypurpose.com" into the space, the link will lead visitors to extendedblog.com upon clicks. You can enter the URLs to your facebook/twitter pages here, the link will lead to your page when clicked on by visitors.

"Enter Your Texts Here" Tag

    Now let's tell you what's supposedly should be in this tag. "enter your text here" Section. This section is strictly responsible for the words that the initially inserted text was embedded under. This text is the words that visitors will see instead of the URLs. Visitors will click on the URL depending on how attractive this Text is. Whatsoever you enter between "> and </a> is what will be displayed on you blog/website,so try to make it as attractive as possible.

E.g if the text here is "go to our homepage" and the URL is "http://www.polypurpose.com" , it will appear to be like this

             go to our homepage

      When you click on the above "go to our homepage" it will lead you to the URL you initially inserted text being "http://www.polypurpose.com" .

         Our Conclusion

If your link looks as such

<a href="http://www.polypurpose.com">Go to Our Homepage</a>

You will be directed to our homepage when you click on the "Go to Our Homepage".

     Now I strongly believe that you have seen and known the secret behind the links you've always seen on blogs upon visits. You can implement them on your blog and if properly managed,it would also promote your blog's appearance on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing , etc...

    Do you notice how I make use of this on my blog?. If you don't, that means you're a no good learner.

        We are here to help you out, so if you still have something pretty unclear about our article to you, then you would endeavour to contact Poly Purpose, as our reply will reach you as soon as possible.

      I faithfully believe that with the article above, you've learned to create links by you self, as it will change the look of your blog. Hope this article answered these questions below =

  • Add "Read Also" to your blogs.
  • Use your "Labels" as "Gadgets" in your header.
  • Add "Like us on Facebook And Twitter" on your blog"
  • Embed URLs under words.

Monday 30 May 2016

ARMED ROBBERY: Police Stormed Scene Alleging Its IPOB Members - All Naija Hints

   The incident took the whole street by surprise that no one  even me could have pure record of how it happened but the victims helped out our journalism.
    The Victims, two men who seem to be in their late forties and/or early fifties, said they were on their way to a dry cleaner down the street when the four robbers speed upon and robbed them and robbed them of their phones, on two Ladies motorcycles,two in each . The only thing they lost to the robbers was not just their Phones, But an injury was left with them from the random gunshots the robbers released closely to their feet in a bid to scare them off the scene.
   Two policemen guarding a nearby church showed in the video, speed off the scene of the incidents, upon hearing the gunshots ,protecting their precious lives, One of them revealed that while running the,he saw the robbers pointing a warning finger on them. A pistol was later seen on the floor minuets after they were gone.
   The incident took place in Police barracks street Fegge-Onitsha, making it so easy to make statement report to the police station. The police arrived the scene in a matter of minuets,but to my greatest surprise, "They were alleging the robbers were IPOB members"

PHOTOS: How Army Killed And Takes Away The Corpses of Five IPOB Family Members

   An image revealed how Nigerian Army plot to embed their murderous operations under the guise of mere patrol.
    In this Image here,No fewer than five IPOB members were shot dead,dragged to Army Hilux and carted off to an annonymiuse destination,hoping they have succeed in covering up the massacre.
   This Incident took place in  Nkpor very close to the scheduled venue for the Fallen Heroes Remembrance Day. The members of IPOB also claim they lost over 30 members to the Nigerian government and Anambra State today.Catch a better look at that Hilux,you will see no fewer than five IPOB members, already dead.
   The Question is, "Why Do Protests in Anambra State Often Turn Bloody All The Time??

BREAKING!! Nigerian Army Whisked Away Wounded IPOB Members Receiving Medication In Hispitals

Report Reaching us now has it that,the IPOB members receiving treatment in certain hospitals that accepted their medication applications have been whisked away by Nigerian military to an unknown destination in a bid to keep the killing a secret.Over 50 IPOB members are currently in the Onitaha Army barracks,including those that have died whose corpse are still there while those critically injured are patiently waiting for their death hour in that same barracks.
    This is still the reason why America initially rejected Nigerian government quest for arms procurement. Callers on Radio Biafra are calling for arms acquisition,so as to emback on self-defence against the crucial attacks by the Nigerian military.
   The incident in Asaba is currently worsening as Many has been reported dead as a result of the sporadic shooting by Nigerian military to the armless Asaba IPOB members whose only weapon is their Biafran Flags and Placards.

PHOTOS: Nigerian Military Killed 3 IPOB Member While Sleeping In Church in Nkpor - All Naija Hints

    The peaceful Fallen Heroes Day at Nkpor has turn bloody as usual in Anambra State.
    Radio Biafra has report through their Radio Station Located in London that they lost about 3 humble members to the attack launched on them by the Nigerian Military around 1:30 am.

     The crucial attack which was launched in the Mid-Night,took place in a St Francis of Asis Parish Nkpor,where some members of the Indigenous People of Biafra are lodging prior to the scheduled Nkpor 2016 Remembrance of the Biafran Fallen Heroes. Its been reported that no fewer than three members of the Pro-Biafran group have lost their lives,many sustained several grades of injury while unknown number of people are yet to be seen.There is also a report reaching our news room that The Military has reappear thus morning, gone to the Venue of the peaciful event to disperse the people who thronged the arena in wait for the program to commence.
    The lives of many wounded members of group is at stake as hospitals have denied them hospitality in fear if the Nigerian military.The reporter in her words said "Hospitals are not accepting our applications for treatment rather,sending us away in fear if the military,saying they don't want get arrested by Nigerian government as the victims couldn't provide police reports. We are afraid they may all die over the excessive blood lose they are having now.
   The deputy to the imprisoned Radio Bisfra ,Nazi Uche Mefor also adviced the reporter to note down the names of the hospitals that denied their members medication as they would be held accountable if any of these lives is lost to the gunshots.
   The members of IPOB in Asaba has also reported,they are been shot at,while trying to come into Onitsha for the event.
     Those in Igweocha(Porthacurt) has also alleged that they being arrested by the JTF over there.

Sunday 29 May 2016

Patoranking Celebrates Birthday In a Grand Style

     Nigerian popular Ragae dancehall artist,Patoranking celebrates birthday today with cupful of thanks to his over a million fans on Instagram. He share also an adorable photo of himself on his wall.
  His message seems as follows

   Patorankingfire....God over everything...You Guys Are The Best.....Am Forever Thankful For All The Wishes,Love and Prayers.

 Fans have gone gaga over his very lovely picture,some begging him for a friendship while others tender mere eulogy. To see more of their comments,click below

Only During The Biafran War We Experienced a Famine Like That of Today

                 A catholic priest has expressed sadness over the rapid increase in the prize of foodstuffs like Rice,Beans, even Tomatoes,thereby bringing the citizens to a sticky wicket over purchase of foodstuffs.
     Rev. Fr Dr Collins Ojene,The founder of Madonna Mercy Family International and an official of Federal Polytechnic Okoh,an Onitsha Archdiocesan catholic priest has lamented the recent increase in the prize of foodstuffs, saying he experienced this kind if hunger when the Nigerian government issued land,sea and air blockades on the Biafrans, making them suffer severe hunger when there was nothing left to eat.
     In his words "The increase in the prize of foodstuffs is a sad experience as we only experienced a famine of this kind during the Biafran war, when we were still children.The war dried us of everything and about 40% of the War Victims died of hunger. People deserted their villages and went into the forests for hiding just tell me what they would eat there than dying in hunger."
     He went forward to inveigh against Christians of nowadays ,alleging they have forgotten God for earthly pleasure. Asking Why God will not also forget the people and purposefully let them suffer  bit.
    He also accentuated the ceaseless decrease in oil prize and the latest attacks on oil installations by the Niger Delta Avengers in the oil-rich region of the country.
   This he disclosed during a Vigil Prayer he organized for his Madonna Mercy Family in Madonna Village Odekpe, Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra State.

Saturday 28 May 2016

Screenshots: Niger Delta Avengers Blowup Another Pipeline - All Naija Hints

    In a bid to pressure the Federal Government into quickening the answer to the conditions they tendered,The Niger Delta Avengers had bomb another pipeline belonging to the Agip and Shell oil companies, the Nembe 1,2 and 3 Brass to Bonny Truck Line.
   The vandalism took place at about 12:15 am on Saturday,while nearby residents were still asleep.They claimed the responsibility on their twitter handle @NDAvengers about 11 hours ago,while twitting the @BBCNews so as to circulate the crippling of Nigeria's economy as they have sworn to do initially.
    The prelude to their vandalism was in a bid to pressure the Nigerian Gov't into releasing the illegally imprisoned Nnamdi Kanu, Leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra who was imprisoned on the month of October in the 2015,while on a visit to Nigeria from his base in London,where he manage Radio Biafra.
               Another reason for the ceaseless bombings was to unfreeze the account of a former militant leader,Government Tompolo whose bank accounts was freezes by the federal government of Nigeria in the past few month over allegations he claimed innocent of.
       Sambo Dasuki is the only northerner to whom they have sympathy upon.He has been detained by the government of Mr Muhammadu Buhari after court injuction has offer Jim bail conditions which he has met long ago.He served as the National Security Adviser to the immediate past administration.
  The militant group has also pledge to continue in their vandalism until their conditions were met.

PHOTOS: Gov Obiano Rescued A Female Accident Victim Today

    Governor Willie Obiano of Anambra State has come to the aid of an accident victim. The victim was knocked Knocked into a nearby gutter by a speedy Toyota Corolla along Adazi-Enu axis in Awka,capital of the state.
  The accident victim, a young lady in her mid forties has pain helplessly in the waterway for minuets with the car hovering over her to restrict all set efforts of raising when the humble Governor driveby and ordered his men to help the rescue the helpless lady from the tunnel of death she was into.She was rescued taken to a hospital nearby.

Fear And Panic As Soldiers Shoot Sporadically In Opozara Community

   Oporoza community has been under siege by Nigeria military who has even started shooting randomly in the community they laid siege on,which is the talraditional headquarters of Gbaramatu Kingdom in Warri South-west of Delta State. The sporadic shootings rise up at about 8:44 am,bringing about fears and tremblings in the community.
   It was reported that villagers allegedly run into the bush in hiding as they set their eyes on the soldiers with gunboats. The Gbaramatu kingdom has been taken over by Soldiers who claimed their presence was to find and arrest Government Ekpemupolo and the members of Niger Delta Avengers.
    Reacting on the sporadic shootings, Ijaw Leader, Chief Godspower Gbenekama said "Soldiers are shooting in Oporoza,I don't know the casualty but they are shooting and our village is on turmoil"
   I am crying on behalf of my people we have been saying before now that we don't know what the military is looking for in our village.They have been here twice in the past few weeks before now.We said then that they were looking for excuses to start shooting but now they have start shooting with no credible reason thereby terrorising our people,he stressed.
  Mr Austin Ozobo, National President of Ijaw Peoples Development Initiative, has urged the federal government to call those overzealous soldiers to order.
    A villager reported that "The military is currently shooting randomly in Opozara but we do not know weather it was aimed at anybody because we are still in the forest.we ran into and are still in the forest now.

Our Amnesty Program Was Not a Scam as Critics Claimed - Gov Ortom

    In reaction to criticism,Gov Samuel Ortom,executive Governor of Benue State has revealed how the amnesty program he issued aided the state in reducing crime and Militancy.The Amnesty program was said by critics to be a fraud but he has reacted to the criticism, alleging its a false accusation as many problems of the state has come to an end.
   During an interactive session in Makurdi,organised to mark the one year anniversary of his administration,the governor revealed to newsmen that his critics weren't being honest at all.
       In his words "for the fact that many states of the country has adopted my program in the fight against crime is a clear indication that its successful.
   However,he admitted that tremendous criminal activities were going on in the state but must surely clamped down upon by security agencies.
  According to him, " 600 assorted illegally acquired weapons were recovered from people while 800 militants had submitted themselves for reorientation to the amnesty committee. All illegal arms still in circulation must be recovered and culprits, handed over to security agencies for prosecution.
  Gov Ortom also condemned the assassination of his security adviser and vows to fitch out those behind the assassination.
   President Muhammadu Buhari also got commendation from him for granting him access from security personnel from all the security agencies in the country to fight militancy in the state.
   "The decline in revenues accruing to the states has negatively affected payment of salaries.The drop from N7 billion to N1.7 billion is a no welcome development", he said.

Friday 27 May 2016

Niger Delta Avengers Congratulates And Makes a Promise To Niger Delta Children on Children's day

     Niger Delta Avengers, The new militant group which has vowed to cripple Nigeria's economy due to negligence of their oil rich region by the federal government of Nigeria ,and also the failure to release the embattled and illegally imprisoned IPOB leader,Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the former NSA, Sambo Dasuki,has on the 27th day of May (children's day).congratulated children of the region and promise them what they believed Nigerian government has vowed not to do for children of the region.
    Childhood is an enchanting vista,an endless fun,a joyful classroom,an experience era of imagination and hope.The children of Niger Delta Region are missing by deliberate policies of every successive Nigerian government.If you plant honesty,you will reap trust,if you plant goodness you will reap friendship.if you plant humility you will reap greatness.Childhood means a lot of opportunities for children.
    This is what Nigerian government has refused to give you,the children of Niger Delta. But what they refused to give you is what we (Niger Delta Avengers) are promising you.
Happy Children's Day!
 Col Mudoch Agbinibo, Spokesperson

Monday 23 May 2016

Please Stop, We Cannot Afford Another War - Anglican Archbishop to NDA

       The Diocese of Abuja of the Church of
Nigeria, (Anglican Communion), has said
that the renewed pipeline vandalism in the
Niger Delta, was not in the best interest of
Nigeria. It therefore urged those behind the
bombing of oil installations in the region to
desist from the act.
The Church called on the Niger Delta
Avengers to cease hostility against the
government while embracing dialogue,
noting that Nigeria, currently engaged in
many battles cannot afford to start another
one with militants in the Niger Delta.
The Primate Of The Church Of Nigeria
(Anglican Communion) and Archbishop of
Abuja Diocese, The Most Rev’d Nicholas D.
Okoh, made this remark in his Presidential
Address to the 3rd Session of the 9th Synod
of Abuja Diocese, held at All Saints Church,
While urging the Federal Government to also
tread cautiously in its attempts to resolve
the growing crises in the Niger Delta, the
Church called on it to seek collaboration
with the host communities in its efforts to
secure all pipelines.
He also urged the Federal Government to
open the space for immediate revival of the
dwindling Nigerian economy by creating
investment friendly atmosphere for more
foreign investors to henceforth, take Nigeria
as a preferred destination.
He lauded the efforts by President
Muhammadu Buhari towards diversifying the
Nigerian economy, urging his government to
initiate more cutting-edge approaches aimed
towards a meaningful engagement of foreign
investors for revival of the economy of the
He based his talk on the theme of the this
year’s Synod, “The Poverty of Riches”,
taken from the book of Revelation, 3 vs17,
stating that notwithstanding the prosperity
that a country enjoys, it may suffer spiritual
poverty and then end up being poor (on the
real in all ramifications) if the leaders and
the led are careless and Godless.
He said, “Creating an investment friendly
environment in the country will more
pragmatically give us what we need.
Factors that investors will need to thrive,
especially security, power and other
amenities should be made available, while
investors would be naturally attracted.
The Primate said the Federal Government
and Nigerians in general should collectively
find lasting solutions to the problem of
insurgency, killings by herdsmen, fuel
scarcity, pipeline vandalism and wide spread
corruption, all he noted, are factors that
often inhibit the growth of economy, and the
nation in general.
On the menace of herdsmen across the
federation, the Primate said, “The Federal
Government should make a policy to
deliberately disarm the herdsmen” as a
means of preventing the springing up of
ethnic militias in all the regions of the
federation in attempts to resist the rampage
by herdsmen”
He advised the government against the plan
to set up grazing reserves for herdsmen
across the country, stating that the Synod
was of the view that such reserves should
be built in regions where the Fulanis are
more familiar.
He said, “The herdsmen are private
businessmen who take away all proceeds of
the business, not sharing with either their
host communities or the government. We
wish to re-echo to the government, state
and individuals involved, the
recommendation made earlier, that ranches
should be built in Fulani localities for
modern animal husbandry”.
“In some parts of Nigeria, people are already
grappling with high population growth and
land does not expand. Nobody’s land should,
therefore, be given forcefully to anybody in
any guise.
“The Synod calls on the National Assembly
to drop the plan to propose a bill on grazing
reserve as the issue has started heating up
the polity whereas such will not do the
herdsmen any good”
Primate Okoh also commended the anti-
corruption war by the President and its
efforts to block all leakages in the country’s
He described the war against corruption as
a noble cause, adding, “The Synod wishes to
urge the government to ensure that its
scope is widespread across all the tiers and
arms of government at the Federal, State
and Local Government areas in Nigeria”
He urged the government not to renege on
its promise to give the youths of Nigeria a
ray of hope by providing employment
opportunities in order for them to start
making meaningful contributions to the
growth of the national economy.

Sunday 22 May 2016

We Are NOT Managing Our Victory Over PDP Very Well - Rochas


                 The Chairman of All Progressives Congress, APC, Governors Forum and Governor
of Imo State, Chief Rochas Okorocha, has
expressed serious reservations that his party "is
not managing it's victory very well".
Governor Okorocha made his feelings known
while fielding questions from news yesterday in
"Make no mistake about it, All Progressives
Congress is a good party, by all standards but
my regret is that we are not managing our
victory very well", Okorocha lamented.
When asked to assess President Muhammadu
Buhari's one year in office, the APC Governors
boss said he had no doubt that the man would
"I have no doubt in my mind that the old man
(Buhari) will succeed. All I pleaded with Buhari
to capture in the current fiscal year, are in the
budget. I want to assure Ndigbo that all that are
due to us will definitely get to us", Governr
Okorocha said.
Answering a question on the raging labour war
against the new pump price of premium motor
spirit, the Governor said he was in full support of
the deregulation of the oil sector of the nation's
"I support the deregulation of the oil sector of
the nation's economy. I also believe in
concessioning government parastatals and
agencies. Nothing established by government has
ever worked in Nigeria. The Nigeria Airways,
NITEL, Nigerian National Shipping Line and all,
never worked", Okorocha said.
While using the opportunity to lampoon the
People's Democratic Party, PDP, and it's
leadership at the national and state levels, the
Governor however revealed that he has not seen
an reliable person in the PDP to work with.
When reminded that Imo workers are owed
salaries since February this year, the Governor
said he was very comfortable with the 70:30
ratio agreement with labour, even as he warned
that anytime workers refuse their salaries, he
would use it to carry out projects.
"Both pension and internally generated revenue,
IGR, are serious problems for me. Only recently, I
ordered all the Board of Internal Revenue
officers to go on leave but they have written to
say it was unconstitutional to ask all officers to
go on leave", the Governor said.

We Have Sex, Chairlady Collects Our Money From Customers - Teenage Sex Workers

      About four Teenage girls who were
tricked into prostitution in a notorious Calabar
brothel, Vegas Flex, over the weekend recounted
their experiences to Vanguard how they each
sleep with over twenty men every day and the
lady who brought them into the trade collects
the money leaving them with N500.00 as feeding
The girls, Felicia Nzuworgar, 17, Patience
Williams, 18, Angela Benjamin, 17 and Charity
Nkwogor all from Okun Local Government Area
of Benue state said Abigail Aliyu whom they call
“Chair Lady” took them from their homes in
Benue State in January this year on the pretex
that she was taking them to Lagos where she
has a drinking spot to work as sales girls but
ended up as sex workers in a Calabar brothel
located at 26 Bedwell Street..

Police Begins Monitoring Enugu State With Helicopters Over Fulani Herdsmen

        Inorder to ensure peace and rest of mind in the heart of Enugu indigenes, Police has beef up security in the state by using helicopters to monitor the wayabouts in the state.
       The spokesman of the police in the state, Mr
Ebere Amaraizu, told the News Agency of Nigeria
(NAN) in Enugu that the helicopters were on an
aerial monitoring exercise of the three senatorial
``As part of measures to ensure that the entire
state is safe and secure, the state command,
through the Air-Wing of the Nigeria Police Force,
has begun an aerial surveillance of the three
senatorial zones.
``This exercise will offer the platform to fish out
would-be mischief makers and for officers to
have proper sight of all the nooks and crannies
of the state for effective crime prevention and
control,’’ he said.
Amaraizu, a Superintendent of Police, noted that
the Enugu Commissioner of Police, Mr Emmanuel
Ojukwu, had earlier advised members of the
public not to panic on sighting the helicopters.
``It is the gesture of the Inspector-General of
Police and government to ensure that the entire
area is made safe.
``The command has mobilised security
operatives, working in partnership with relevant
stakeholders and police pilots, with a view to
flushing out criminals from their hideouts in the
state,’’ he said.
The state command currently has three
helicopters and a heliport at its disposal in

Chekwas to Buhari, Release Nnamdi Kanu and Dialogue with IPOB, MASSOB

          The  founder of the United Progressives Party,
UPP,a Nigerian political party, Chief Chekwas Okorie, has urged President
Muhammadu Buhari to release detained Director
Radio Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu, as a panacea to
dialogue with the aggrieved members of the
Movement for the Actualization of Sovereign
State of Biafra, MASSOB, Indigenous People of
Biafra, IPOB, and other affiliate groups
demanding for Biafra secession.

         The former Presidential candidate under the
platform of UPP in last year's general election
made the call against the backdrop of the
increasing spate of violence emanating from
different geopolitical zones in country.

Chief Okorie who spoke to Vanguard, during a
telephone chat revealed that the mounting
peaceful demonstrations and protests by
MASSOB and IPOB which was their legitimate
right have attracted the attention of the United
Nations having sustained it since 1999 and in
over 180 countries.

"The agitation for a separate state of Biafra by
MASSOB, IPOB are legitimate as long as they
have remained non violent and it has been
recognized by the United Nations. I am aware
that the agitation have taken place in 180
countries of the world. In other words it has
been internationalized. My advice to Buhari
therefore, is to dialogue with the groups and
address the agitation.

"The agitation did not spring up over night.
Between 1999 and now, the sufferings of the
people have heightened. That is why the
agitation is increasing in tempo. For this
agitation to succeed, a lot of legal legwork has
to be done which has already commenced. Also,
Diplomatic legwork has to be done which is in
place by IPOB observers in the United Nations.

But the missing link is the Political legwork
which has not begun.
"The political legwork has not started. These are
factors that must come together and not without
the other to lead to a Biafra State. For this to be
achieved, a Referendum must be held in the area
among ourselves. So, it is not an over night
affair. Buhari should instruct the security
agencies not to apply force to these non violent

Niger Delta Avengers Checking Weather To Drop Arms or Not

 Those who are in the leadership of the Niger Delta Avengers,
NDA, the militant group which has claimed
responsibility for recent attacks on oil and gas
installations in Niger Delta region, was believed
to be evaluating, weekend, the overtures from
the Delta State Government’s Advocacy
Committee, headed by the deputy governor, Mr.
Kingsley Burutu Otuaro, to stop further attacks.

Sunday Vanguard learned that though distrustful
of government’s real intention, the militant group
had been monitoring the utterances and body
language of the deputy governor and members
of his committee since they ventured into the
creeks in the last one week.
Otuaro committee had not made any formal
contact with the Avengers because the members
have remained mysterious, but the intelligence
command of the NDA, said to be keeping a tab
not just on the team but also the Joint Task
Force, JTF, in the Niger Delta and other
government agencies, has reportedly given a
preliminary report on its findings.

“The militants are considering whether to heed
the appeal by the deputy governor to cease
further vandalisation of pipelines and give his
committee a chance to open a window for
dialogue with the appropriate authorities or
otherwise”, source told Sunday Vanguard.
“They also want to know if his boss, Governor
Ifeanyi Okowa, just set up the committee or he
has the blessing of President Muhammadu
Buhari on what he is doing.

 They noted that the
National Coordinator of the Presidential Amnesty
Programme, Brigadier General Paul Boroh (retd.),
reneged on his decision to follow the Otuaro
committee to the creeks and would want to
know what is amiss.”

Ekiti Killings: We Must Protect Our Citizens, Fayose Warns Fulani Herdsmen

      Governor Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti State, has
warned that there could be reprisal attacks on
Fulani herdsmen in the State if they do not
desist from invading communities in Ekiti and
attacking the people, describing the Fulani
herdsmen that invaded Oke Ako in Ikole
local government area of the State on Friday,
killing two residents of the
town and injuring others as “agents of the devil
that must be fished out and punished
Governor Fayose, who commiserated with the
people of Oke-Ako, especially the family of the
deceased, vowed to do everything
humanly possible to forestall the reoccurrence of
such attack and safeguard the lives of Ekiti
According to a statement issued by his Special
Assistant on Public Communications and New
Media, Lere Olayinka, Governor Fayose said
the Fulani herdsmen were becoming major threat
to the unity of Nigeria and its people, saying, “I
will not fold my hands while armed
herdsmen invade communities in Ekiti, killing
people and destroying farmlands at will as they
have done in other States.
“I have directed the police and other security
agencies in the State to fish out the killer
herdsmen. I am in constant touch with
the security agencies and I hope that the killer
herdsmen will be fished out wherever they are
and made to face the full wrath of the law.
“The people of Oke-Ako should therefore remain
calm while the security agents do their job.
However, the security agents must be mindful
of the fact that the people’s patience has a limit
and they must therefore act promptly and
The governor, who described activities of the
Fulani Herdsmen as inimical to the revival of
agriculture in the country said;
“Farmlands costing billions of naira have been
destroyed in States in the South-West, South-
East and North-Central zones of the country.
One wonders how Nigerians can go back to
farming when those already in the
farms are losing billions of naira worth of crops
to destruction of their farmlands by the Fulani
Herdsmen and the Federal Government is not
doing anything about it.”
He said, “I am sounding a note of warning to the
Fulani herdsmen and those who can talk to them
should also do so now. If they continue with
these wanton attacks, killing of the people and
destruction of farmlands in Ekiti, I cannot
guarantee that there won’t be reprisal attacks.
“I can also not guarantee the level that the
reprisal attacks can get to because as a
governor, it is my responsibility to defend
and protect my people.”
He called on President Muhammadu Buhari to
stop paying lips service to the Fulani herdsmen's
menace, saying "as patron of the Miyetti
Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria
(MACBAN), President Buhari has the capacity to
call the herdsmen to order.
“President Buhari should therefore call his people
to order because this is Ekiti; our people have
the rights to defend themselves.
“Most importantly, President Buhari must be
reminded of how he was so concerned about the
killing of Fulani herdsmen in in Saki, Oke
Ogun Area of Oyo State such that he, as a
private citizen led Arewa to Ibadan on October
13, 2000, to confront the then Governo

r of
Oyo State, late Alhaji Lam Adesina."

Saturday 21 May 2016

Chairman And Secretary Of Kwara State APC Kidnapped at Gunpoint

The chairman and the Secretary of the
All Progressives Congress (APC) in Kwara
state,Hon. Ishola Balogun Fulani and Chief Bode
Adekanye respectively have been kidnapped at
gun point along Lokoja Okene road in Kogi state.
This development according to Saturday
Vanguard checks have thrown the government
and the ruling party into serious confusion as
government officials and party members were
seen in groups discussing the incident.
The Publicity Secretary of the party in the state,
Alhaji Sulyman Buhari confirmed the incident last
night in an interview with journalists.
Buhari explained that the incident occurred at
about 10am on Friday while Balogun- Fulani and
Adekanye were returning to Ilorin on their way
from Abuja.
According to him,"We received a call from the
line of the chairman around this time, (10am)
telling us of the kidnapping issue. No ransom
was mentioned and all attempts to make further
enquiries from them proved abortive as the line
was no longer available".
"We are on it to see if we can still establish a
link with them. We have taken all the necessary
steps and linked up with relevant security
operatives to ensure their safety and eventual
release".He added.

Gunmen Shot Dead Benue Gov't Official, Police Shot Dead Year Two Student

Gunmen at the early hours of Friday, stormed
the home of Mr. Denen Igbana, the Senior
Special Assistant, SSA, to Benue State Governor
on Security, and shot him dead in the presence
of his family.
This was just as an Army Corporal attached to
the Benue State Joint Security Patrol team code
named ‘Operation Zenda’, allegedly shot a year
two female student of Primary Education Studies
at the College of Education in Oju local
government area of the state.
Saturday Vanguard learned that Igbana, a retired
Police officer, was killed by a gang who waylaid
him in front of his house along Naka road, in the
outskirts of Makurdi town.
Narrating the incident to Governor Samuel Ortom
who paid a sympathy visit to the family of the
deceased, an eyewitness and Tax Collector in
the area, Thomas Ayakpam said the assailants
struck at about 1:32am
He explained that the SSA had come home only
to run into the assailants who were armed with
sophisticated weapons.
“They opened fire on his vehicle (a Toyota Hilux)
perforating the car on all sides.
“ Igbana ran out of the car, shouting and
heading towards my own house but they shot
him on his leg. He fell. At that point one of the
gunmen came closer to him and he started
shouting, ‘Gana so you can kill me, you want to
kill me, what did I do to you?”. He was then shot
severally and the people fled.”
In his response, Governor Ortom who could not
hold back tears said the deceased was one of
his trusted aides who played a vital role in
ensuring the success of the administration’s
amnesty programme. The Governor who charged
security operatives to apprehend the
masterminds of the killing said, “they have killed
part of me but I’m still alive and I will ensure
that anyone responsible for this dastardly killing
would be made to face justice.”
Meantime, Saturday Vanguard gathered from an
eyewitness that the female student of College of
Education in Oju was shot while sitting in front of
her residence at Lawani hostels, situated outside
the school campus.
According to the source, “the problem started
when one student of the institution was alleged
to have a long standing problem with a female
student and supposed girl friend of a soldier.
“For that reason, the soldier, Thursday afternoon
stormed the institution to whisk Anthony to the
‘Operation Zenda’ base in Oju, but fellow students
resisted the move. He was asked to get an
approval from the institution’s management
before taking the student away.
“At that point the angry soldier went away,
promising to come back. That evening the soldier
went back to the institution with some of his
colleagues to abduct the said Anthony but were
resisted by students in the institution who also
aided Anthony to escape.
“Vexed by the action of the students the soldier
opened fire with his riffle and the innocent girl
who was sitting by the door of her room got hit
at the side of her chest.
“She was rushed to Adoga hospital in Oju where
she was given two pints of blood because she
had lost so much blood and thereafter rushed to
the Benue State University Teaching Hospital,
BSUTH, for further treatment because the bullet
could not be extracted and her condition was
“As I speak with you we cannot ascertain the
condition of the student but the Army Corporal
has been arrested by the Police in Oju and
transferred to the Command Headquarters in
Meanwhile, attempts to reach the Police Public
Relations Officer, PPRO, Assistant
Superintendent, ASP, Moses Yamu failed but a
top Police source who craved anonymity
confirmed that the matter was being investigated
while the Army Corporal was being interrogated.

Friday 20 May 2016

Olisa Metuh Vomits In Court,Trial Stalled

        Spokesperson of Peoples Democratic
Party, PDP, Olisa Metuh, yesterday again broke
down in court with signs of ill-health, repeatedly
throwing up at the Federal High Court in Abuja,
where he is being tried for alleged corruption.
Metuh’s apparent ill-health led the court to
adjourn the case.
The PDP spokesperson is being tried for
allegedly receiving N400 million of government
arms money.
File: Publicity Secretary of the Peoples
Democratic Party, Pdp, Chief Olisa Metuh, signing
a document at the Federal High Court, Abuja.
His counsel, Etiaba Etiaba, said Metuh’s health
condition deteriorated on Wednesday night,
forcing his brother-in-law, Andy Aghaji, to rush
him to hospital.
He said on arrival at the hospital, they found that
nurses were on strike. A doctor, who attended to
Metuh, directed that he be brought back to the
hospital, yesterday.
Etiaba said the doctor had warned that the drugs
he administered would make Metuh drowsy and
that he would have to take another medication
at 11 am Thursday. He said the PDP spokesman
left the hospital at 3.30 am, yesterday.
Etiaba said he advised Metuh to see if he could
manage himself to the court, since he had no
understanding about the gravity of his health
At the court, the PDP spokesman began to vomit
and had to be assisted to the court room by his
relatives. The counsel prayed the court to
adjourn the case to enable Metuh return to the
The prosecution counsel, Sylvanus Tahir, did not
object to the application.
The judge adjourned the case till May 23 and
Metuh immediately returned to the hospital.

Thursday 19 May 2016

Innoson Motors,An Igbo Business Man And Five Others Face Criminal Charges

Innocent Chukwuma

      A federal high court sitting in Lagos, southwest
Nigeria has authorized the Attorney General of
Federation to commence the prosecution of a
Lagos business man Innocent Chukwuma, his
company Innoson Nigeria Limited and four others
for alleged forgery offences.
The ruling by the presiding judge, Saliu Saidu
was based on an application filed before the
court by Federal Ministry of Justice that the
Attorney General of the Federation has taken
over the prosecution of the accused persons
which the prosecutor from the office of the
Inspector General of Police objected.
However after listening to the submission of the
counsel of the two parties, the court decided the
Attorney General of the Federation should go
ahead with the prosecution of the accused
Consequently the Attorney General filed a four-
count amended criminal charge against the
accused persons.
The other accused persons to be arraigned
alongside the Chukwuma are Charles Chukwu,
Maximian Chukwura, Mitsui Osk Lines, and
Annajekwu Sunny.
In the four-count amended criminal charge
number FHC /L/565/C/2015 filed before the
court by Director of Public Prosecutions of the
Federation, Federal Ministry of Justice
Mohammed Saidu Diri, it was alleged that,
Innoson Nigeria Limited, Innocent Chukwuma,
Charles Chukwu, Maximian Chukwura, Mitsui Osk
Lines and Annajekwu Sunny between January,
2010 and April 2011 at Apapa Wharf criminally
conspired amongst themselves to wit,
falsification of shipping documents which they
deposited with Mitsui Osk Lines Lagos which
was used as collateral for the purpose of
clearance of raw materials polyinlchloride (PVC)
for the production of roof ceiling and other
imported items.
Mr Diri alleged further that all the accused
persons same time and place did without lawful
authority and with intent to defraud, altered the
shipping clearance documents to the shipping
Line Mitsui Osk Lines which was used as
collateral for the purpose of obtaining a loan of
N2.4 billion from Guaranty Trust bank Plc for the
purpose of clearing raw materials
Polyvinylchloride for the production of roof
ceiling and other imported items
The accused persons were also alleged to have
falsely and fraudulently represented as genuine,
the uttered shipping documents and presented
same to Guaranty Trust bank Plc to obtain a
loan of N2.4 billion.
All the offences alleged to have been committed
by the accused persons are contrary to and
punishable under sections 3(6),1(2)(C) of the
miscellaneous offences Act Cap. M 17 Laws of
the Federation, 2004.
Justice Saidu has adjourned till 31st of May,
2016 when all the accused persons will be

I Regretted Trekking For Buhari - Man Who Trekked From Lagos to Abuja

     Do you remember the man who trekked from
Lagos to Abuja to celebrate the victory of
Muhammad Buhari in presidential poll?
Hashimu Suleiman, a year after his long trip, has
said that trekking for Buhari was his greatest
The man expressed his dissatisfaction with the
way the president has been ruling Nigeria in the
last one year.
He said: “ Removing fuel subsidy at this hard
time is not palatable to hearing when so many
workers and labourers can hardly put food on
their table, many companies have folded up, and
cost of living is very high, Nigerians have been
hoping for a positive change for a very long time,
enduring hardship and now the Federal
government wants to make things worse for the
Muhammadu Buhari, the main opposition
candidate, won Nigeria’s presidential election by
2.57 million vote in 2015.
Hashimu had made a personal promise in 2013
that should former military ruler run and win the
2015 presidential poll, he would trek from Lagos
to Abuja.
As Buhari won the man was forced to fulfill his
promise and on April 20, 2015, he arrived Abuja
from Lagos amid a cacophony of excitements.
He met with the president and other party
chieftain at the presidential campaign
headquarters of the All Progressives Congress.

Photos: Unknown Gunmen Killed 4 boys In Ebonyi State, Fulani Herdsmen?

     Four boys were allegedly murdered by unknown
gunmen on Wednesday morning in Ebony state.
Two of the victims hails from Okposi community
while two others hails from Ogbidi community.
The victims’ names were given as; Okay and
Innocent – from Okposi, while Thankgod Igwe
and Ochi Ojadi are from Ogbidi community.

Nigeria is Ready For Nuclear Energy - Fashola

       The Federal Government on Wednesday,
said Nigeria was ready to commence the
production of nuclear energy.
The Minster of Power, Works and Housing,
Mr Babatunde Fashola, who made this
known at the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN)
Forum in Abuja, said Nigeria had secured
the necessary certification from the
International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA).
Fashola said: "`This thing has protocols and
standards; we are already in it; we are not
venturing into it; we started a nuclear
programme 17 years ago.
``We have gone through the training level;
we have produced 25 graduates of master’s
level under certification by the International
Atomic Energy Agency.
``We have found the sites; the sites have
been approved, two sites have been
approved by International Atomic Energy
``We have started the design for the
financing; that is the stage we are now;
once we conclude that, we move to the
design for the construction.
``If all things go well, by quarter four of next
year - that is the schedule that I met - we
should have started construction, so that is
what I meet.``
Fashola said it was important for Nigeria to
focus on the gains and safety of nuclear
energy as obtained in other developed
He said that since the whole world was
moving toward a cleaner fuel and the use of
more sustainable form of energy, Nigeria
could be an exception.
He, however, said that the developed
countries could only share the technology
with countries ready keep to the standards
in the utilisation of the technology.
The minister further said that diversifying
the nation’s energy mix would lead to the
utilisation of the various forms of renewable
energy sources in the country.
This, according to him, will ultimately make
electricity cheap in the country.
``What we are thinking about is long-term
solution. We need a solution that will endure
for generations to come.
``When you design a power solution, design
it so that the next coming generations can
use it.
He said the ministry and other agencies
under his supervision were working hard to
ensure that Nigeria obtained the best in the
electricity industry through strict regulatory
On the monthly meeting with stakeholders in
the industry, Fashola said it was designed to
evolve better ways of managing the industry,
adding that it was yielding the desired

5 Workers Arrested As Suspected Niger Delta Militants Released

      THE five pipeline surveillance
workers seized by the Joint Task Force,
JTF, in the Niger Delta, last Friday, in
connection with the bombing a Chevron
Nigeria Limited, CNL, pipeline at Makaraba
community, Gbaramatu clan, Warri South-
West Local Government Area, Delta State,
have been released.
A security source told Vanguard that they
released them on Wednesday evening.
Released were Samuel Emiko and Alfred
Timedi, ( Itsekiri) and Isaac Edinde, Henry
Arogboritse and Kelvin Mordi (Ijaw), arrested
by soldiers while on surveillance duty for a
contractor to Chevron.
Ijaw leader, Chief Godspower Gbenekama,
who is among the leaders that raised dust
over the arrest confirmed to Vanguard, “Yes,
I am aware that they released them on
Wednesday night, I want to thank you
people in the media for crying out for us.”
“The released workers were asked to report
next Wednesday,” a security source, who
also confirmed their release, told our
He said: “The 19th Battalion, Nigerian Army,
Koko, handed them over to the Delta State
Police Command, Asaba, from where they
moved them to Bayelsa State and released
them on Wednesday.”
To avoid backlash against the company
following a 72-hour ultimatum by its seven
Gbaramatu-Ijaw host communities, top
officials of Chevron Nigeria Limited, CNL,
which facilitated their freedom, met with
their families, Wednesday, in Warri, and
assured them that the company was
handling the matter.

Ajimobi Warns Fulani Herdsmen Over Rape,Illegal Grazing

Oyo State Governor, Abiola Ajimobi, on
Wednesday, mediated in the constant
clashes between Fulani herdsmen and
farmers in the state.
During a town hall meeting with farmers,
herdsmen and other stakeholders at the
state secretariat in Ibadan, Ajimobi warned
all the parties involved not to go against
the law as offenders would be arrested
and prosecuted.
While calling on herdsmen not to graze on
farmlands or attack their hosts, the
governor also warned farmers not to
poison crops or water with the aim of
killing herdsmen’s cows.
Present at the meeting, which was
organised by the Oyo State Commissioner
of Police, Leye Oyebade, were monarchs of
agrarian communities of the state, farmers’
representatives, heads of Fulani
communities and other stakeholders.
The governor said, “There is the need to
form committees that would discuss
regularly, issues concerning the
relationship between host communities and

 If there is a regular interaction
between them, we will succeed in solving
many of the problems that have been
identified. I want each of the committees
to meet once in a month.
“Animals will eat wherever they find food
but we must agree on where the cows will
graze. It is not possible for herdsmen to
graze their cattle on farmlands. We will not
allow that. We will create a path where the
cattle must be taken through to graze.
“If by mistake the cattle strayed and eat
farm products, the owners must be ready
to pay compensation to the farmers
concerned. We must agree on one fact
that farmers and herdsmen know
Ajimobi said the establishment of ranches
by his administration was under way.
In his contribution, the Sabiganna of
Iganna land, Oba Saliu Oyemonla, thanked
the governor for his interest in finding a
solution to the constant clashes between
farmers and herdsmen.

Six of Our Colleagues Already Dead - Rescued Chibok Girl

    One of the missing schoolgirls abducted by
the fighters of the Boko Haram Islamic
sect from Government Secondary School,
Chibok, Borno State, on April 14, 2014,
Amina Ali Nkeki, has been found, the
Nigerian Army has said.
Activists also told the BBC that Amina was
found by a vigilante group on Tuesday in
Sambisa Forest, close to the border with
Amina was reportedly recognised by a
civilian fighter. She told her rescuers that
six of her abducted colleagues had died
while others were being held in Sambisa
Forest by their abductors.
The fighter belonged to the Civilian Joint
Task Force, a vigilante group set up to help
fight Boko Haram.
Aboku Gaji, leader of the vigilante group in
Chibok, said, “The moment this girl was
discovered by our vigilantes, she was
brought to my house. I instantly recognised
her, and insisted we should take her to her
“When we arrived at the house… I asked
the mother to come and identify someone.
The moment she saw her, she shouted her
name: ‘Amina, Amina!’ She gave her the
biggest hug ever, as if they were going to
roll on the ground, we had to stabilise
“The mother called the attention of other
relations to come out and see what is
happening. The girl started comforting the
mother, saying: ‘Please Mum, take it easy,
relax. I never thought I would ever see you
again, wipe your tears. God has made it
possible for us to see each other again.’
“Afterwards, we had to make them
understand that the girl would not be left
in their care. She must be handed over to
the authority.”
Hosea Abana Tsambido, the Chibok
community in the capital, Abuja, told the
BBC that Amina had been found after
venturing into the forest to search for
“She was saying… all the Chibok girls are
still there in the Sambisa except six of
them that have already died.”
The Nigerian military said she was from
the town of Mbalala, south of Chibok, from
where 25 of the kidnapped girls came.
Amina was later moved to Maiduguri, the
capital of Nigeria’s Borno State.
Before their arrival in Maiduguri, the Borno
State Governor, Kashim Shettima, who was
apparently delighted about the news, told
the visiting United Nations Under-
Secretary on Humanitarian Affairs, Mr.
Stephen O’ Brien, that the freed girl might
give information that could lead to the
rescue of other abducted girls and perhaps
to the hideouts of the insurgents.
The General Officer Commanding (GOC), 7
Division Nigerian Army, Brig. Gen. Victor
Ezugwu, who brought the girl to Shettima,
told the media that the governor had
promised to present the freed girl to
President Muhammadu Buhari.
The governor said as a sign of honour, he
would take the girl to Mr. President on
Thursday (today).
The girl was not allowed to have a chat
with the media as she was led to meet
with the governor by military personnel.
Shortly after presenting the girl to the
governor, Ezugwu told journalists that
Shettima would hand her over to President
Muhammadu who would in turn present
her to the nation.
“I want to further confirm to you that, we
have found one of the Chibok girls but we
plead for your understanding on this issue,
we need to give her time to rest as you
can see she is traumatised and nursing a
“The governor has told us that he did not
want to take credit for this and will hand
over the girl to Mr. President who will in
turn unveil her to the nation,” Ezugwu said.
As of the time of going to the press last
night, the governor and the freed girl had
not emerged to address the media.
The Acting Director, Army Public Relations,
Col. Sani Usman, who had earlier
confirmed Amina’s rescue in a statement
on Wednesday, added that a suspected
Boko Haram suspect, Mohammed Hayatu,
who claimed to be the ‘husband’ of the girl
had been arrested by the troops.
Usman, who had earlier given the name of
the rescued girl as Fatmata Mbalala, said
her name was Amina Ali.
He said that the troops of the 25 Task
Force Brigade rescued the girl and
arrested the terror suspect who claimed to
be her ‘husband’ during what he described
as a booking operation at Baale, near
Damboa, Borno State.
He said that investigation conducted by
the Army showed that the girl was one of
the 219 girls abducted from GSS, Chibok
Usman said that the girl was rescued with
her one-year old child, named Safiya.
He added that the girl, her ‘husband’ and
the child had been taken to Maiduguri for
medical screening.
“Please recall that we informed you that
one of the abducted Chibok schoolgirls
has been rescued earlier today and
promised to give further details.
“Further to that, in continuation of
Operation Crackdown, troops of 25
Brigade Damboa in conjunction with the
Civilian JTF deployed in one of the
blocking positions at Baale, near Damboa
rescued one Miss Amina Ali and a
suspected Boko Haram terrorist,
Mohammed Hayatu, who claimed to be her
“Both were brought to the Headquarters of
25 Task Force Brigade Damboa at about
2.30pm today (Wednesday).
“Preliminary investigation shows that she is
indeed one of the abducted Chibok
schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram
terrorists on April 14, 2014 in Chibok and
her name is Amina Ali as against Falmata
Mbalala that was earlier stated.
Meanwhile, the BringBackOurGirls
movement on Wednesday in Abuja
confirmed that the found girl is one of the
over 276 schoolgirls kidnapped in Chibok.
A statement by the spokesperson for the
#BringBackOurGirls#, Sesugh Akume, gave
her name as Amina Ali Darsha Nkeki from
Akume said the girl had provided useful
information that her other classmates were
still being held by terrorists in Sambisa
Reacting, a civil rights organisation,
ActionAid Nigeria, on Wednesday said the
discovery of Amina was an indication that
the 218 others would also be found.
A statement by its Country Director, Ojobo
Ode Atuluku, said it was great news that the
first Chibok schoolgirl had been found.
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