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Saturday 16 April 2016

Biafra: Buhari Might be The Last President of Nigeria- Etcetera

The issue of Biafra has put the unity of Nigeria at stake.
Perhaps after reading this, you will come to the
conclusion that I am being irrationally paranoid.
If so, you are probably spending way too much
time plugged in to the “propaganda matrix” that I
will describe in this article. The government
wants you to believe that everything is going to
be just fine and that the best days for this
country are ahead.
The government understands that most Nigerians
don’t understand the ramifications of the present
state of the nation because they have been
washed and rinsed with propaganda. We live in a
society that is absolutely addicted to
An average Nigerian youth spends most of the
day plugged in to one form of social media or
the other. When we are not watching television,
we are listening to the radio, messing with our
smartphones or spending endless hours on the
Internet. More than 90 per cent of the things
that we are fed through these devices are
produced by the media.
And who controls the media?
The corrupt politicians do.
And have you noticed how “the mainstream
media” loves to divide us?
Today, Nigerians are more divided than ever. Our
news broadcasts endlessly fixate on one crisis
after another, ethnic or religious.
Nigerians are extremely angry and frustrated
today, but most of our anger and frustration are
directed wrongly.
How can we ever hope to come up with any
solutions for our nation if we spend so much
time hating our fellow citizens?
But this is just how the politicians like it.
They love to play divide and conquer. They love
as chaos is brewing all over the land. If we were
united, we would be far more difficult to
And even if we did find a way to come together,
what values and principles would we use to
rebuild this nation?
The truth is that most Nigerians have totally
neglected the values and principles that the
founders of this country once held so dear.
Personally, I am very optimistic about my future.
And I believe that the greatest chapters of my
life are still ahead of me.
But am I optimistic about the future of Nigeria?
No, I am not.
I strongly believe in the United States’ prediction
that we are on the path of disintegration. And
current happenings suggest that it might not be
a peaceful disintegration.
So, if you have got family and friends that you
would like to visit before things start getting
really crazy, you should do so within the next
couple of months, because these might be the
last days of “normal life” in Nigeria.
The unity that so many of us take for granted
might be coming to a screeching halt, and we
are about to enter the hardest times that any of
us has ever known. And I am not just talking
about the economy here.
Our refusal to have a national conference and
decide the terms of our coexistence as a nation
with freedom, equal rights and justice for all, plus
the plague of hunger sweeping across the nation,
we are about to enter a “perfect storm” that is
going to shake this country in just about every
possible way that it can be shaken. So I hope
that you will truly savour these moments – days
like this may not come around again anytime
Can you tell me of anyone that lived a seemingly
charmed life even though that individual made
foolish decision after foolish decision?
In the end, reality almost always catches up with
people like that.
And in so many ways, we have been living a
charmed life as a nation even though we have
been making incredibly foolish decisions for
decades. We have cursed ourselves over and
over again, and just about every form of evil that
you can possibly imagine is exploding all around
As a nation, we now stand for just about
everything that is bad, and the rest of the world
is absolutely horrified by what has happened to
Once upon a time, we were one of the most
welcomed people on the entire planet.
Now we are one of the most dreaded.
The things that we have been doing to ourselves
is about to catch up with us in a major way. We
thought that we were getting away with
everything that we have been doing, but that is
never the case. When you do evil to yourself or
someone else, there is always a price to pay.
Over the past few years, strange things have
been happening. The power situation is one of
those strange things. That corrupt politicians
don’t go to jail is another. How can you explain
being one of the world’s largest oil producing
countries and still suffer from lack of fuel?
If the government fails to take the rightful
decisions in the months ahead, we are bound to
see some more unusual events unfold.
To be honest, whatever the country is witnessing
now might just be a tip of the iceberg. From
now, you are just going to have to trust your
If my tone sounds ominous, that is good,
because that is precisely the mood that I am
trying to convey. Right now, everything
happening suggests that all our comfortable little
lives are about to get shaken up big time.
Good politicians have gone extinct. We are now
left with those who love to create chaos out of
order. In other words, they will often purposely
create a crisis in order to push through things
that they would not be able to accomplish during
“normal” times.
The problems that we are experiencing are being
used to justify radical “solutions” that will further
their overall agenda. In the middle of an
“emergency”, nobody pays attention to their
Unfortunately, most of us are going to be
completely blindsided by what is coming. You
might choose to continue to follow the utterly
clueless leaders down a path toward oblivion.
But the good news is that once the “shaking”
starts, many of “you” will wake up, but it might
be too late.
When that happens, who will the “masses” turn
to for answers?
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